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Forecasts – Part Three

[This column was first published in the Shift Age Newsletter #27 ]

This is the third and final of columns that look at the forecasts I have made relative to things that might happen through 2013.  As pointed out in the first two columns, the real purpose is to analyze why forecasts were correct and if not why not and what this might mean looking forward.

As stated in the first column:

“..most people, and certainly people who lead institutions and companies, are interested in what will happen six months to five years out as that is what is their primary …

In the middle of the 19th century, the telegraph was the first technology in history to speed up communications between two people or two locations.  Prior to the telegraph the speed of human communications was measured in horse days; how far a horse could travel in a day. It always amazes me to think that this was the reality only 160 years ago.  My great grand parents were alive then!

There was the brief two year run of the Pony Express, which sped that up by having a fresh horse every 10 to 15 miles between St. Louis and California as …

In two recent columns, here and here, I wrote about two of the three consumer economic trends that are and will dramatically change consumer and buyer behavior well into the 2020s.  In this column I address the third major consumer economic trend, moving from an ownership to a rental society.  This trend as with the prior two will be prevalent primarily in the developed world and then spread globally in a decade or so.

Four years ago I started to suggest that in the United States, the reorganizational recession of 2007-2010 might have broken the aspirational, patriotic …