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The Financial Crisis – Part Two

The current financial crisis is part of a larger realignment going on in the world.  There is a new Age that is beginning and with it comes a new restructuring of many facets of human life.  We are now entering the Shift Age, which is the global stage of human evolution.  This means that many aspects of humanity, certainly economics are being reorganized from the way they were during the Information Age and the earlier Industrial Age.

All year, in this column and in speeches given around the country, I have stated that the economic downturn we are going through must …

The Financial Crisis – Part One

As a futurist, I view the financial crisis that exploded last week from a high level, long term perspective.  The macro forces that are reshaping our world must be considered when such a crisis occurs.  In addition this particular crisis will force us to reevaluate long held economic ideals that may no longer have validity in their purest forms.

It is important to state that there are many traceable causes to this crisis. It is these particulars that politicians and those that need to blame something or someone will focus on as a way to justify a point of view or …

The Physical Nature of Memory

One of Salvador Dali’s greatest paintings is called “The Persistence of Memory”.  Last week the results of a …

Recently, people have been asking me a lot of questions about the fluctuating price of oil

“What is the …